

Hyndman, J. and W. Giles. Living on the Edge: Refugees in Extended Exile, Routledge, 2017.

Hyndman, J. Dual Disasters: Humanitarian Aid after the 2004 Tsunami. Kumarian Press, 2011. Kumarian Press Blog available.

Giles, W. and J. Hyndman (eds.) Sites of Violence: Gender and Conflict Zones University of California Press, 2004.

Hyndman, J. Managing Displacement: Refugees and the Politics of Humanitarianism (Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press, 2000).

Refereed Journal Articles

Hynie, M., S. McGrath, J. Bridekirk, A. Oda, N. Ives, J. Hyndman, N. Arya, Y. B. Shakya, J. Hanley, K. McKenzie (forthcoming) “What Role Does Type of Sponsorship Play in Early Integration Outcomes? Syrian Refugees Resettled in Six Canadian Cities”, Refuge.

Hyndman, J. “Unsettling Feminist Geopolitics: Forging Feminist Political Geographies of Violence (PDF)Gender, Place and Culture (2019).

Macklin, A., K. Barber, L. Goldring, J. Hyndman, A. Korteweg, S. Labman, J. Zfyi “Preliminary Investigation into Refugee Sponsors (PDF)Canadian Ethnic Studies 50 (2): 35-58, 2018.

Amarasingam, A., G. Naganathan, and J. Hyndman. “Canadian Multiculturalism as Banal Nationalism (PDF)”, Canadian Ethnic Studies 48 (2): 119-142, 2016.

Mountz, A., A. Bonds, B. Mansfield, J. Loyd, J. Hyndman, M. Walton-Roberts, R. Basu, R. Whitson, R. Hawkins, T. Hamilton, W. Curran. “For slow scholarship. (PDF)ACME, International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 14(4):1235-1259, 2015.

Hyndman, J. "The Securitisation of Sri Lankan Tourism in the Absence of Peace (PDF)",  Stability: International Journal of Security and Development 4 (1):14, DOI:

Hyndman, J. and A. Amarasingam. “Touring ‘Terrorism’: Landscapes of Memory in Post-War Sri Lanka (PDF)"Geography Compass, 8(8): 560-575, 2014

Brunner, L. R., J. Hyndman, and A. Mountz. “Waiting for a Wife': Transnational Marriages and the Social Integration of Refugees (PDF)"Refuge, 30(1): 81-92, 2014.

Hyndman, J. “Geopolitics of Migration and Mobility (PDF)", Geopolitics, 17(2): 243-255, 2012.

Hyndman, J. “A Refugee Camp Conundrum: Geopolitics, Liberal Democracy, and Protracted Refugee Situations (PDF)", Refuge, 28(2): 7-15, 2011.

Hyndman, J. and W. Giles. “Waiting for What? The Feminization of Asylum in Protracted Situations (PDF)", Gender, Place, and Culture, 18(3): 361-379, 2011.

Hyndman, J. “The Question of the Political in Critical Geopolitics: Querying the 'Child Soldier' in the 'War on Terror (PDF)", Political Geography, 29(5): 247-255, 2010.

Waizenegger, A. and J. Hyndman. “Two Solitudes: Post-tsunami and Post-conflict Aceh,” Disasters (PDF)", Disasters, 34(3): 787-808, 2010.

Houston, S., J. Hyndman, A. Jamal, and J. McLean. “The Methods and Meanings of Collaborative Team Research (PDF)", Qualitative Inquiry, 16(4): 285-297, 2010.

Hyndman, J. “Introduction: the Feminist Politics of Refugee Migration (PDF)”, Gender Place and Culture (special issue editor), 17(4): 453-459, 2010.

Houston, S., J. Mclean, J. Hyndman, A. Jamal. “Still Methodologically Becoming: Collaboration, Feminist Politics and ‘Team Ismaili (PDF)", Gender, Place and Culture, 17(1): 61-79, 2010.

Hyndman, J. “Acts of Aid: Neoliberalism in a War Zone (PDF)”, Antipode 41(5): 867-889, 2009.

Hyndman, J. “Siting Conflict and Peace in Post-tsunami Sri Lanka and Aceh, Indonesia (PDF)", Norwegian Journal of Geography 63(1): 89-96, 2009. [Reprinted in The Tsunami of 2004 in Sri Lanka: Impacts and Policy in the Shadow of Civil War, London: Routledge 2009.]

Hyndman, J. and A. Mountz. “Another Brick in The Wall? Neo-refoulement & the Externalization of Asylum by Australia and Europe (PDF)Government & Opposition, 43(2), 249-269, 2008.

Hyndman, J. “Feminism, Conflict and Disasters in Post-tsunami Sri Lanka (PDF)", Gender, Technology and Development, 12(1): 101-121, 2008. [Reprinted in After the Waves (eds.) N. de Mel et al. Colombo: Social Scientists Association, 17-41, 2009].

Hyndman, J. “The Securitization of Fear in Post-Tsunami Sri Lanka (PDF)”, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 97(2): 361-372, 2007.

Hyndman, J. “Feminist Geopolitics Revisited: Body counts in Iraq (PDF)"The Professional Geographer, 59(1): 35-46, 2007.

Hyndman, J. and J. Mclean. “Settling Like a State: Acehnese Refugees in Vancouver (PDF)", Journal of Refugee Studies, 19(3): 345-360, 2006.

Hyndman, J., N. Schuurman, and R. Fiedler. “Size Matters: Attracting Immigrants to Canadian Cities (PDF)", Journal of International Migration and Integration, 7(1): 1-25, 2006.

Fiedler, R., N. Schuurman, and J. Hyndman, “Hidden Homelessness: an indicator-based approach for examining the geographies of recent immigrants at-risk of homelessness in Greater Vancouver (PDF)”, Cities, 23(3): 205-216, 2006.

Mountz, A. and J. Hyndman. “Feminist Approaches to the Global Intimate (PDF)", Women’s Studies Quarterly, 34(1-2): 446-463, 2006.

Fiedler, R., N. Schuurman, and J. Hyndman. “Improving Census-based Socioeconomic GIS for Public Policy (PDF)”, in ACME: international e-journal of critical geographies, 4(1): 145-171, 2006.

Sherrell, K. and J. Hyndman. “Global Minds, Local Bodies: Kosovar transnational connections beyond British Columbia(PDF)", Refuge, 23(1): 16-26, 2006.

Sherrell, K., J. Hyndman, and F. Preniqi. “Sharing the Wealth, Spreading the “Burden”: The Settlement of Kosovar Refugees in British Columbia Cities (PDF)", in Canadian Journal of Ethnic Studies, 37(3): 76-96, 2005.

Hyndman, J. and M. de Alwis. "Bodies, Shrines, and Roads: Violence, (Im)mobility, and Displacement in Sri Lanka (PDF)", Gender, Place and Culture, 11(4), 535-57, 2004.

Hyndman, J. “Mind the gap: bridging feminist and political geography through geopolitics (PDF)”, Political Geography, 23: 307-322, 2004.

Hyndman, J. and M. de Alwis. "Beyond Gender: Towards A Feminist Analysis of Humanitarianism and Development in Sri Lanka (PDF)", Women's Studies Quarterly, 31(3-4): 212-226, 2003.

Hyndman, J. “Aid, Conflict, and Migration: the Canada-Sri Lanka Connection (PDF)", The Canadian Geographer, 47(3): 251-268, 2003.

Hyndman, J. “Preventive, Palliative, or Punitive? Safe spaces in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Somalia, and Sri Lanka (PDF)", Journal of Refugee Studies, 16(2): 167-185, 2003.

Hyndman, J. “Beyond Either/Or: A feminist analysis of September 11th (PDF)", in ACME: an international e-journal of critical geographies, 2(1): 1-13, 2003. [Reprinted in The Geopolitics Reader, 2nd ed., eds. G. O Tuathail, S. Dalby, and P. Routledge, 2006].

Hyndman, J. "Business and Bludgeon at the Border: a transnational political economy of human displacement in Thailand and Burma (PDF)", Geojournal 55: 39-46, 2001 (copyright and printed in 2002).

Hyndman, J. “The Field as Here and Now, Not There and Then (PDF),” The Geographical Review, 91(1-2): 262-272, 2001.

Hyndman, J. “Change and Challenge at UNHCR: a retrospective of the past 50 years (PDF),” Refuge, 19(6): 45-53, 2001.

Hyndman, J. “Towards a Feminist Geopolitics (PDF) The Canadian Geographer, 45(2): 210-222, 2001.

Hyndman, J. and M. Walton-Roberts. Interrogating Borders: A Transnational Approach to Refugee Research in Vancouver (PDF)The Canadian Geographer, 44(3), 244-258, 2000.

Hyndman, J. “Gender and Geography at Work: The Perils of Perfect Pluralism at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (PDF),” Canadian Woman Studies, 19(4): 48-53, 2000.

Hyndman, J. “Gender and Canadian Immigration Policy: A Current Snapshot (PDF), Canadian Woman Studies, 19(3): 6-10, 1999.

Moss, P, K. J. DeBres, A. Cravey, J. Hyndman, K. Hirschboeck, and M. Masucci. “Towards Mentoring as Feminist Praxis: Strategies for Ourselves and Others (PDF)Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 23(3): 413-427, 1999.

Hyndman, J. “A Post-Cold War Geography of Forced Migration in Kenya and Somalia (PDF),” The Professional Geographer, 51(1): 104-114, 1999.

Hyndman, J. “Managing Difference: Gender and Culture in Humanitarian Emergencies (PDF)", Gender, Place, and Culture, 5(3): 241-260, 1998.

Hyndman, J. and B. V. Nylund. “UNHCR and The Status of Prima Facie Refugees in Kenya (PDF)", International Journal of Refugee Law, 10(1): 21-48, 1998.

Kirby, A. and J. Hyndman. “The Americanization of American Geography (PDF)", GeoJournal, 45(1-2):51-56, 1998.

Hyndman, J. “Border Crossings (PDF)”, Antipode, 29(2): 149-176, 1997.

*Hyndman, J.“UNHCR: The State of the World’s Refugees (PDF), a review essay in International Journal of Refugee Law, 8(1/2): 276-284 1996.

Hyndman, J. “Solo Feminist Geography: A Lesson in Space (PDF)", a review essay in Antipode, 27(2):197-207, 1995.

Chapters in Books

Reynolds, J. and J. Hyndman (submitted) “Shifting Grounds of Asylum in Canadian Public Discourse and Policy”, (eds.) T. Phu & V. Nguyen, Critical Refugee Studies, U of Toronto Press.

Y. Weima and J. Hyndman (2019) “Humanitarian Government, Refugee Governance and Pushback: global and local approaches”, in K. Mitchell et al. (eds.) Handbook on Critical Geographies of Migration. Edward Elgar Press.

 Hyndman, J. (2018) “To Help or Not to Help? Humanitarian Spaces, Power and Government,” in M. Coleman and J. Agnew (eds.) Geographies of Power. Edward Elgar, pp. 380-392.

 Hyndman, J. and W. Giles (2018) “Protracted Displacement: Living on the Edge” (eds.) A. Bloch and G. Dona. Forced Migration: Current Issues and Debates. London/NY: Routledge, pp. 74-87.

Hyndman, J. & A. Mountz (2018) “Place, power, metaphor, & geometries of migration”, in M. Werner et al. (eds.) Doreen Massey: Critical Dialogues. Agenda Publishing, pp. 355-366.

Hyndman, J. “‘No More Tears Sister’: Feminist Politics in Sri Lanka,” in Unravelling Marginalisation, Voicing Change: Alternative Visions and Paths of Development, M. Jones, P. Blaikie & C. Brun (eds). Farnham/Burlington: Ashgate, 2014, pp. 155-167.

Hyndman, J. “Human Security and Dual Disasters”, in Hobson, C., P. Bacon, & R. Cameron (eds). Human Security & Natural Disasters. London: Routledge, 2014, 111-126.

Hyndman, J. “Intersecting Disasters: Eschewing Models, Embracing Geopolitics,” chapter accepted for M. Acuto (ed.) Negotiating Relief: the dialectics of humanitarian space, London: Hurst & Co. and New York: Columbia University Press (forthcoming).

Waizenegger, A. and J. Hyndman “Salient versus silent disasters in post-conflict Aceh, Indonesia”, in S. Kirsch and C. Flint (eds). The Geopolitics of Post-Conflict Reconstruction Reconsidered, Oxford University Press, forthcoming.

Hyndman, J. “Feminist Geopolitics Meets Refugee Studies”, in (eds.) A. Betts and G. Loescher Refugees in International Relations, Oxford University Press, pp. 169-183.

Hyndman, J. “Second-Class immigrants or First Class Protection? Resettling Refugees to Canada”, P. Bevelander,  M. Hagstrom, S. Ronnqvist (eds.) Resettled and Included? Employment Integration of Refugees, Malmo: Malmo University, 2009, 247-265.

Hyndman, J. "The geopolitics of pre- and post-tusnami aid to Sri Lanka" in Tsunami in a Time of War: Aid, Activism & Reconstruction in Sri Lanka & Aceh, edited by M. de Alwis and E-L. Hedman, Colombo: ICES, 2009, pp. 29-58.

Hyndman, J. “Whose Bodies Count? Feminist Geopolitics and Lessons from Iraq,” in R. L. Riley, C. M. Mohanty, and M. B. Pratt (eds.), in Feminism and War: Confronting U.S. Imperialism (London: Zed Books, 2008), pp. 192-204.

Hyndman, J. and M. de Alwis. “Reconstituting the Subject: Displaced Women and Humanitarian Assistance in Sri Lanka,” Not Born a Refugee Woman, in N. Khanlou and M. Ahmed (eds.) (New York and Oxford: Berghahn Press, 2008), pp. 83-96.

Hyndman, J. “Conflict, Citizenship, and Human Security: Geographies of Protection”, in  D. Cohen and E. Gilbert (eds.) War, Citizenship, Territory (Routledge, 2007), pp. 241-57.

Hyndman, J. and A. Mountz, “Refuge or refusal: geography of exclusion”, in D. Gregory and A. Pred (eds.) Violent Geographies (New York: Routledge, 2007), pp. 77-92.

Hyndman, J. "Feminist geopolitics and 9-11," in Eds. L. Nelson and J. Seager,  A Companion to Feminist Geography, (Cambridge MA: Blackwell, 2005), pp. 565-577.

Hyndman, J. “The Politics of Mobility and Access”, in Eds. L. Staeheli, E. Kofman, and L. Peake , Mapping Women, Making Politics, (New York: Routledge, 2004), pp 169-184.

Hyndman, J. “Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing”, in The Gender Companion (eds. D. Goldberg, P. Essed, and A. Kobayashi), Blackwell Publishers, 2005, pp.202-211.

Hyndman, J. "Refugee Camps as Conflict Zones: the Politics of Gender", a chapter in Sites of Violence, 2004, pp. 193-212.


Dual Disasters: How the 2004 tsunami affected conflict and peace in Aceh, Indonesia” (2010), A. Waizenegger (director), J. Hyndman (producer), published online by Wiley-Blackwell Geography Compass (15 min.).

Hidden in the Limelight of the Tsunami: Aceh's Silent Disasters” (2009), A. Waizenegger ( director), J. Hyndman (producer); available online password available on request (30 min.).

Editorials, Special Issues, and Commentaries

Hyndman, J. “Introduction: the Feminist Politics of Refugee Migration”, Gender Place and Culture (editor of special issue) 17 (4): 453-459, 2010.

Hyndman, J. “The Geopolitics of Parental Leave Among Academics,” editorial for Geoforum, 40 (1): 2-4, 2009.

Jones, L. and D. Sage with G. Ó Tuathail, J. Hyndman, F, MacDonald, E. Gilbert and V. Mamadouh, “New Directions in Critical Geopolitics,” Geojournal [published online Jan. 21, 2009.

Hyndman, J. “Migration Wars: Refuge or Refusal?” Geoforum, 36(1): 3-6, 2005.

Hyndman, J.  “Musings from a North Paw” in Lines, an online journal from Sri Lanka, vol. 4 issue 1, May 2005.

Hyndman, J. “Revisiting Mackinder 1904-2004”, a commentary in The Geographical Journal, vol. 170, no. 4, pp. 380-383, December 2004.

Policy Reports and Proceedings

Hyndman, J., W. Payne, and S. Jimenez (2017) “A Unique Experiment: Private Refugee Sponsorship in Canada (PDF)”, Forced Migration Review.

Hynie, M. and J. Hyndman (2016) “From newcomer to Canadian: Making refugee integration work”, Policy Options, Institute for Research on Public Policy.

Hyndman, J., S. D’Addario, and M. Stevens (2014) “Refugee Research Synthesis 2009-2013 (PDF)”, for Citizenship and Immigration Canada, May.

Marchbank, J., K. Sherrell, C. Friesen, and J. Hyndman (2014) “Karen Refugees After Five Years in Canada – Readying Communities for Refugee Resettlement (PDF),” policy paper funded by Metropolis BC.

Brunner, L. R., J. Hyndman, and A. Mountz (2012) “Waiting for a Wife: Transnational Marriages and the Challenge of Refugee ‘Integration’”, Metropolis BC WP 12-12.

Brunner, L. R., J. Hyndman, and A. Mountz (2012) “Waiting for  Wife: Transnational Marriages and the Challenge of Refugee ‘Integration’”.

Hyndman, J. (2011) “Research Summary on Resettled Refugee Integration in Canada,” an analysis commissioned by the UNHCR.

Hyndman, J. and C. Friesen, “A Sector-Based Research Agenda: Issues Affecting Government-Assisted Refugees in Canada”, 2011, accessed March 27, 2012.

Sherrell, K., C. Friesen, J. Hyndman, S. Subrath (2011) From 'One Nation, One People' to 'Operation Swaagatem':  Bhutanese Refugees in Coquitlam, BC”, MBC Working paper 11-11, accessed March 27, 2012.

Brunner, L. R., J. Hyndman, and C. Friesen, “Aceh-Malaysia-Vancouver: Settlement Among Acehnese Refugees Five Years On”, Metropolis WP 10-12, 2010,

Hyndman, J. “Waiting for What? The Humanitarian Dilemma of Protracted Refugee Situations at Home and Abroad”, Metropolis World Bulletin, vol. 8: 24-28, 2008.

McLean, J., J. Hyndman, and C. Friesen, “The First 365 Days: Acehnesse Refugees in Vancouver, British Columbia”, Metropolis WP 06-07, 2006, accessed March 27, 2012.

Fiedler, R., J. Hyndman, and N. Schuurman, “Locating Spatially Concentrated Risk of Homelessness amongst Recent Immigrants in Greater Vancouver: A GIS-based approach”, Metropolis WP 06-10, 2006, accessed March 27, 2012.

Sherrell, K., J. Hyndman, and F. Preniqi,  “Sharing the Wealth, Spreading the “Burden”? The Settlement of Kosovar Refugees in Smaller BC Cities,” Metropolis BC Paper 04-06, 2004, accessed March 27, 2012.

Sherrell, K. and J. Hyndman, “Global Minds, Local Bodies: Kosovar Transnational Connections Beyond British Columbia,” Metropolis BC WP 04-10, 2004, accessed March 27, 2012.

Hyndman, J. and N. Schuurman, “Size Matters: Attracting New Immigrants to Canadian Cities”, Metropolis BC WP 04-19, 2004, accessed March 27, 2012.

Hyndman, J. and C. Friesen. "Developing a Sector-based Research Agenda", October, 2002.

de Alwis, M. and J. Hyndman. Capacity-Building in Conflict Zones: A Feminist Analysis of Humanitarian Assistance in Sri Lanka, ICES, Colombo, January 2002.

Hyndman, J. and M. de Alwis. “Gender, Conflict, and Displacement: Lessons Learned from Sri Lanka”, report by UNICEF, Office of Emergency Programs, New York, 1999.

Ocran, A., J. Hyndman, & N. Jamieson, “Industrial Homework & Employment Standards,” a research report funded by the B.C. Minister of Women’s Equality, 1993.

Non-refereed Articles, Encyclopedia Entries and Proceedings

Brunner, L., J. Hyndman, & C. Friesen (2011) “Post-IRPA GARs from Aceh: Policy Recommendations”, Our Diverse Cities, 8: 106-112.

Hyndman, J. (2010) Hyndman, J. (2010) “Refugee” in B. Warf (ed.) Encyclopedia of Geography. Thousand Oaks: Sage, volume 5, pp. 2377-2380.

Hyndman J. Entries for asylum, critical geopolitics, human rights, refugees, violence,Dictionary of Human Geography (5th edition), (1000 words each) Blackwell 2009.

Hyndman, J. and M. de Alwis. “Capacity building, accountability and humanitarianism”, Forced Migration Review, issue 8, August 2000, pp. 16-19. [This article was reprinted in Pravada [a Sri Lankan periodical]: vol. 7 (2), 2001: 7-10.]

Hyndman, J. “Revisiting Mackinder 1904-2004 (PDF)”, a commentary in The Geographical Journal, 170(4): 380-383, December 2004.

Hyndman, J. “Migration Wars: Refuge or Refusal? (PDF)” Editorial, Geoforum, 36(1): 3-6, 2005.

Hyndman, J.  “Musings from a North Paw (PDF)” in Lines, an online journal from Sri Lanka, vol. 3 issue 5, 2005.

External Grants – since 2009

2016-2021, “Refugee integration and long-term health outcomes in Canada”; CIHR Hyndman co-applicant; PI M. Hynie.

2016-2017, “The sponsor's perspective: motivations, expectations and experiences of private sponsors”, SSHRC Rapid Response co-app; PI A. Macklin.

2016-2017, “Ethical guidelines for research with Syrian refugees”, SSHRC Rapid Response Grant, collaborator; PI C. Clark-Kazak.

2015-2017, “Building Bridges across Social and Computational Sciences: Using Big Data to Inform Humanitarian and Policy Interventions,” SSHRC Partnership Development Grant, S. McGrath P.I., J. Hyndman co-app.

2014, “Refugee Knowledge Framework”, Citizenship and Immigration Canada contract, P.I. A. Turegan; one of 5 co-investigators.

2011-16, “Geographies of Migrant Politics, Identity, and Belonging”, SSHRC Standard Research Grant, P.I. Hyndman, G. Pratt co-investigator.

2013, “Developing Access to Higher Education in Dadaab Refugee Camps,” Partners for Development, Canadian Universities, CIDA grant.

2011, “Geographies of Migrant Politics, Identity, and Belonging”, SSHRC Standard Research Grant, P.I. Hyndman, G. Pratt co-investigator.

2011, “Borderless Higher Education for Refugees”, SSHRC partnership development grant, P.I. W. Giles, Hyndman, co-applicant

2011, “Envisioning Global LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) Human Rights”, CURA grant, P.I. N. Nicol, J. Hyndman, collaborator.

2011, “Learning Together: The Settlement of Karen GARs in Langley BC”, Metropolis BC/SSHRC grant, P.I. J. Marchbank, JH co-investigator.

2010, “Refugee Resettlement Patterns in Metro Vancouver”, MITACS Accelerate BC Grant P.I. J. Hyndman; intern, L. Brunner.

2009, “Operation Swaagatem: Pre/Post Refugee Arrival Planning and Research Development” Metropolis/SSHRC grant, P.I. J. Hyndman with co-investigators, C. Friesen and K. Sherrell.